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New to health-related language? Open our glossary in a separate window for easy reading! Terms in articles found in our glossary are highlighted.

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Complex topics, explained easily & quickly. Informed in 2 minutes! 

Every method of contraception that exists, explained.


Problems for Mom

These are issues that can arise in the mom or the carrier of the fetus during pregnancy. Examples include ectopic pregnancy and (pre-)eclampsia.


We have laid out the basics of the most commonly carried out tests, to support you in your decision-making process. So you can make an informed choice.

Problems for Baby

These are issues that can arise in the fetus (the baby). Examples include genetic abnormalities, growth delays, and perinatal distress.


We explain everything you need to know about your body's natural processes, like your menstrual cycle, fertilization and much more.

Health Tips

Overwhelmed by your family and friends' well-intended tips and advice? We're here to help you distinguish sense from nonsense so you can relax.

Disorders & Diseases

There's lots of problems that can happen with the reproductive system and pregnancy. We explain them here, in clear language.

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Please be advised that PREhealth does not provide personal medical advice. Always check with your medical professional before making any changes.

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