3 minBasicsUltrasound Examination at 13 and 20 Weeks of Pregnancy (Basics)In this guide, we explain what the 13 and 20 week ultrasound scans are for.
8 minMaternal ComplicationsHELLP SyndromeHELLP syndrome is a very dangerous pregnancy complication for both the carrying parent and the baby.
9 minTestsUltrasound at 13 and 20 Weeks of PregnancyUltrasound is a type of medical imaging that uses sound waves. This creates an image of the inside of your body, without damaging anything.
6 minMaternal ComplicationsChorioamnionitis (Infection of the Membranes that Surround Your Fetus)Chorioamnionitis refers to the infection of the innermost layer of cells that covers an embryo or fetus.
8 minBiologyTwin PregnancyA pregnancy in which two fetuses (babies) develop in the womb at the same time.
7 minTestsNon-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)A blood test that can be done during pregnancy, to detect genetic disorders in the fetus.
5 minFetal ComplicationsTrisomiesGenetic disorders that are caused by three copies of one chromosome being present in one or more cells, instead of the usual two copies.
4 minTestsInvasive Prenatal Testing MethodsMethods used to diagnose disorders of the fetus, by entering the uterus and taking away tissue or fluid surrounding the fetus to test.
2 minMaternal ComplicationsGestational DiabetesA disorder that develops during pregnancy, in which the pregnant parent's blood sugar levels increase.
4 minMaternal ComplicationsPre-eclampsiaA disorder in which a pregnant person's blood pressure increases, or their pee contains too much protein. This can be very dangerous.